Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finishing up the design!

In last Friday's design meeting, Eugene explained how we needed to analyze the schoolhouse's structure (specifically the roof truss) by calculating the load for different scenarios like if there was an earthquake, hurricane, someone on the roof during an earthquake, etc. We needed to determine which was the worst scenario and base the design of the structure on this to ensure that the building would be stable.
So in yesterday's general meeting, Dennis (an undergraduate civil engineering student who graciously volunteered to do the load calculations) brought in his analysis of the truss structure. Now we can finish calculations on this coming Friday's design meeting and hopefully have the design done by February. The meeting will be at 12:30 PM on the 8th floor of Boelter Hall in the SEL Research Commons which is right across from the Science Engineering Library.
And I forgot to mention that a recent email from Marvin, our contact in Nicaragua, informed us that there is most likely going to be plywood that we can use! Yay!

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