Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clay Sucks

David, our geotechnical graduate student, finished running tests on the soil samples that the team brought from the assessment trip and delivered the results during the meeting. He said the soil is mostly clay and the clay is mostly plastic which leads to problems in the stability and safety of the structure. Basically, clay sucks. Luckily, our design team can hammer out a plan that overcomes the problems that clay presents. The design team is now also focusing on the water tanks for the rainwater catchment. In the design meeting, they debated whether it should be underground or above ground, made with plastic, and other aspects of the tanks. To be more effective, possibly the coming Monday, there will be a Design Day(!) filled with lots of calculations and designing. Design Day will help us get a more definite plan sooner. Anyone can come, even if you do not know how to design a structure, because there will be much needed help with calculations and cost estimates.

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