Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last Meeting of the Year

Tuesday was our last meeting of the school year! Next week we will be having a potluck so be sure to write down on the Google Doc that Suzanne sent out what you plan to be cooking or buying (if you are not so handy in the kitchen).
We had a shorter meeting this week where we mostly discussed the conference call with Tiffany, from EWB-USA that will be next Wednesday. We anticipated questions that might be asked and discussed our answers to them. If there were any uncertainties about any topics whether in regards to construction materials or cost issues, we were able to verify and hear explanations. So it was good to bounce ideas off each other and have a better understanding of our upcoming trip.

This last involvement involves our favorite social network Facebook! Please "like" EWB-USA on Facebook! Also EWB-UCLA has a Facebook group so join our group as well!

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